Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security

The inaugural OSINT Tech Expo.

OSINT Foundation | In-Person event Event Description: The OSINT Foundation, a professional association of the Intelligence Community (IC) open-source intelligence practitioners, announces the inaugural OSINT […]

Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Washington, DC

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace | In-Person Event Description: Join the Carnegie Endowment for Today’s Challenges, Tomorrow’s Leaders, a special half-day conference designed to engage […]

Strengthening Democracy in the Americas

United States Institute of Peace | In-Person Event Description: The Inter-American Democratic Charter establishes democracy as essential for the development of the Americas, highlighting the […]

Can Connectivity Reconnect the EU and Türkiye?

German Marshall Fund |In-Person Event Description: Amid a stalled accession process and a lack of progress on critical issues such as structured foreign policy dialogue, […]

Paths to progress: Race, equity, and democracy


The Brookings Institution | Virtual Event Description: Our country’s overall progress is undeniably linked to race relations and the well-being of various racial groups. People […]

Exploring Careers at the State Department

Center for Strategic and International Studies | In-Person & Virtual event Description: The CSIS Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy is delighted to host a conversation with Ross […]

Exploring Careers at the State Department

Center for Strategic and International Studies| In-Person & Virtual Event Description: The CSIS Abshire-Inamori Leadership Academy is delighted to host a conversation with Ross Kaplan, […]