The threats to global security have rarely ever been so great in scope and number—in such a complex, complicated world, intelligence has never been more vital. The Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security at the Schar School for Policy and Government provides for the full examination of intelligence and its interplay with US national security, to include:
- how it works, what defines success and when it does not, what are its limits, and what the President and key decision makers should realistically expect;
- the role of intelligence—stealing secrets and providing context—and intelligence professionals in an age of information abundance, particularly in relation to other elements of government and the private sector;
- the essential role of espionage in preserving security and liberty in America and providing stability abroad;
- the persistent concerns about the politicization of intelligence;
- oversight and governance of intelligence in an era when demands for transparency are growing and leaks, unauthorized disclosures, and insider threats persist; and
- the explosion of technology and how it helps and hinders intelligence.

Established in October 2017 by General (USAF-Retired) Michael V. Hayden, the only person to serve as both director of the Central Intelligence Agency and the National Security Agency, the Hayden Center examines these broader issues as well as more topical and timely concerns of the day, providing recommendations and solutions to decision makers that are based on expert observations gleaned from years of experience. The Hayden Center operates under the direction of Larry Pfeiffer, a former senior US intelligence officer who served as General Hayden’s chief of staff at CIA and later as senior director of the White House Situation Room.
The Hayden Center benefits from the guidance of two groups:
- Board of Advisors: a group of distinguished representatives from the intelligence, national security, legal, corporate, and international security communities guiding overall themes, strategies, and direction;
- Faculty Advisory Committee: a cadre of notable professors from Schar School advising how the Hayden Center can best meet the requirements of the academic community.
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