Michael V. Hayden Center for Intelligence, Policy, and International Security

Deconstructing the Israel-Hamas disinformation war


The Atlantic Council| Virtual Event Description: The Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Middle East Security Initiative and Digital Forensic Research Lab invite you to join us for a public event on […]

U.N. Sanctions and Peace Processes: Meeting Current Challenges

U.S. Institute of Peace 2301 Constitution Ave, Washington, DC 20037

United States Institute of Peace | In-Person & Virtual Event Description: U.N. sanctions are an important tool for preventing and resolving conflict. But the current […]

RISE Action Guide Launch Symposium


The United States Institute of Peace | In-Person and Virtual Event Description: The Rehabilitation and (Re)integration through Individual, Social and Structural Engagement (RISE) Action Guide […]

African solutions at COP28: A turning point?


The Atlantic Council | Virtual Event Description: Previous United Nations Climate Change Conferences, known as COPs, have failed to ensure adequate African representation. Yet African […]

The Implications of the Gaza War


Stimson Center | Virtual Event Description: Amid the death and devastation of the war that has followed the Oct. 7 Hamas assault on southern Israel, […]